Predictive Policing: science fiction or reality?

– December 6, 2018 –

Recently, in Naples, the Italian police arrested a 55-year-old man before he even had committed a crime. The news, which looks like a scene from the science fiction film “Minority Report” (based on the North American writer Philip K. Dick’s tale), might become an increasingly constant reality in major cities around the world that seek to fight crime in innovative ways.

Predictive policing software is being used in cities in the United States, Canada, China, and even in Brazil (like a prototype that was used in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the 2016 Olympics).

CEST’s researcher, Eduardo Bertassi, discusses in his bulletin, “Predictive Policing Software Considerations” why society should be aware on the use of these technologies that, despite attractive, still do not allow us to know what could be the consequences of its use in the future.

To learn more, access the text available at CEST’s bulletin board page.

The article is the result of the author’s
ascertainment and analysis, without
compulsorily reflecting CEST’s opinion.