Games for Change Latin America – São Paulo/Brasil (6 e 7 de Dezembro)

What is Games for Change Latin America?

The first Latin American network to research, innovate and enhance the relationship between games, learning and social transformation. The objective it to promote the research, creation, application and dissemination of digital games that positively transform society, education, the economy, the environment and culture.

Click on the title to know more about this event.

(Português) Projeto eMundus convida: Palestra de lançamento do software livre

A adoção de tecnologias no contexto escolar é vista há algumas décadas como uma necessidade para promover a renovação das práticas de ensino. Recentemente, observamos a ampliação do uso de plataformas de computação móvel e a participação em mídias e redes sociais pelas jovens gerações – NETGen, Y, Alfa e Millennials. A intenção do Design do foi conceber um ambiente que inspire novas práticas de ensino-aprendizagem. Esse teve origem acadêmica e foi inicialmente transferido ao mercado seguindo modelo de negócios do tipo premium, por meio de uma organização start up de base tecnológica. Nesta apresentação, relataremos a origem do projeto e discutiremos o seu caso. O projeto foi rebatizado para Openredu e a sua difusão seguirá baseada em práticas de software livre. O projeto mantém estreita colaboração acadêmica e hoje abre seu código à Sociedade sob licença GPL2.

Data: 29 de agosto de 2014
Horário: 15 às 17h
Local: Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo

Para mais informações, acesse esta notícia.

The Electronic Health Record belongs to the user

At the moment the government structure the Electronic Health Record with integrated data on a national basis, and try to move forward with the electronic medical record, the Director of Technology Datasus, Augusto Gadelha, maintains that the privacy of the data is essential to gain user confidence.

To access the full text click here.

**Content available only in portuguese**

Civil Landmark of Internet brought a number of job opportunities for advocacy

Law 12.965, enacted in April and named “Marco Civil da Internet”, which governs the use of the network in Brazil, brought a number of job opportunities for advocacy in the corporate, legal and teaching. It’s what coordinators of the book Marco Civil da Internet – Lei 12,965 / 2014 (Editora Revista dos Courts) points out, which brings together 13 articles from experts in Digital Law.

To access the full text click here.

**Contet available only in portuguese**

Open Education: achievements, challenges and a proposal for reflection

Open Education is gaining ground globally and is gradually being considered as an option by universities around the world; further, the debate is reaching beyond the OER experts’ community and the forerunning universities. The paper will explore how the Open Education debate is evolving, by discussing the challenges that have been partly solved and the ones that are still to be fully tackled. We believe that the focus is moving from technological challenges, where the objective now is to be able to work and learn across platforms, legal challenges, where instruments are there to be implemented and used at different levels, and content challenge, where OER are being increasingly created, shared and repurposed, to three new kinds of challenges, corresponding to three stakeholders groups. These are pedagogical challenges, that have to do with the way teaching and learning have to change in a Open Education setting and that are the main concern of teachers, sustainability challenges, which are mainly the concern of policy makers, funding agencies and companies, which are striving for well-established business principles, and organisational challenges, mainly concerning leaders within education institutions, who are faced with the increased complexity brought by open approaches, looking for the balance between traditional and new educational practices. The paper will briefly discuss some cases ohf how these challenges are being tackled, with particular emphasis on international collaboration practices enhanced by Open Education approaches.

**Click on the title to access more information**

**Content in English**

Eighth Bi-Annual Conference on the Economics of Intellectual Property, Software and the Internet

The Toulouse School of Economics (TSE – Toulouse School of Economics) and the Institut D’EconomieIndustrielle (IDEI) opened the call to
research papers to be presented at the Eighth Bi-Annual Conference on Economics of Intellectual Property, Software and Internet.
The conference will be held at the University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, on thursday 8 and Friday 9 January, 2015